What is the difference between Project IRR, Equity IRR and Payout IRR?

In this article you will learn more about the difference between Project IRR, Equity IRR and Payout IRR. Meaning of IRR The IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is used to calculate the return on investments. How to calculate Project IRR The Project IRR is is the key figure that provides information on the project-specific return. […]

How to model the German Trade Tax?

In this article you will learn how you can model the German trade tax. Greenmatch offers you the possibility to map complex tax systems. Follow these instructions to map the German trade tax in a GM Valuation project. 1. Open or create a GM Valuation project and go to the “Taxes” section. There you can […]

What is the leverage effect?

The leverage effect describes the effect of debt on the return on equity: Additional debt can increase the return on equity for the owner. This applies as long as the total return on the project is higher than the cost of additional debt. Example of a positive leverage effect: If the project return is 5% and the […]

How do I model capitalized interests during construction?

In this article you will learn how you can capitalize interests during construction. This means, that no interest payments will take place during the construction phase. Get more information in our Knowledge Center article: How to work with relative date relations Attention: This option is only available for the credit type “Construction loan”.

Wie berechne ich alternative Beteiligungsformen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? (german)

In diesem Artikel lernen Sie, wie Sie die Varianten der alternativen Beteiligungsformen gemäss dem Bürger- und Gemeindebeteiligungsgesetzes in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern bewerten können. 4. Kopieren Sie in einem nächsten Schritt die Arbeitsblätter der Übersichten (pl, cf, bs) aus dem Fimo-Excel-Export. 5. Fügen Sie die Excel-Blätter pl, cf und bs in das Excel-Mini-Tool ein. 6. Als nächstes müssen […]

What does “included in asset purchase price” mean?

In this article you will learn, what “included in asset purchase price” means and what kind of impact this feature has. If you add a new Capex item you have the possibility to choose the input field “Included in Asset Purchase Price”. This feature has an impact on the residual (What is the residual Capex […]

How to specify different Capex due dates?

In this article you will learn how to specify different Capex due dates. This allows you to plan the payment schedule of each Capex in full detail. Please be aware, that the percentage value of the first date can not be entered variable. It is automatically calculated from the others so that the sum is […]