How to calculate the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE)?

Cet article n’est disponible qu’en allemand et anglais The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is a central key figure in energy projects. To keep it simple, the total costs of a project are divided by the production volume over the entire life cycle of a system. On the one hand, the LCOE can be used […]

Available price interactions between feed-in tariff and market tariff

In greenmatch, various sales objects can be registered per project. A distinction is made between revenues from electricity sales, consisting of feed-in tariffs, PPAs and market tariffs, and other sales. If both a feed-in tariff and a market tariff are applied, it must be defined how they interact with each other. The following price interaction […]

How to import actual figures to GM

In this article you will learn how to use the Ledgermanagement section and import new ledgers which are used in versions with actual figures To import a ledger you have two options. The first one is to add a new ledger manually. After clicking on “new ledger”, you can add the date of the ledger […]

How to use the formula builder

In this article you will learn how to use the tax formula builder. In order to be able to model even the most complex taxes, GM offers a formula builder with which you can manually input a formula by which the taxes are calculated. To use the tax formula builder you have to set the […]

How to get help from our support

Do you have a specific question about greenmatch? Our support is happy to help you. There are different ways to get in touch with our support-team:

Comment demander accès pour des projets sur le GM Marketplace

Le GM Marketplace est un espace exclusif réservé aux clients de greenmatch. La possession d’une licence GM Valuation est une condition préalable pour demander l’accès aux projets GM Marketplace. Si vous êtes intéressé, vous pouvez demander un accès d’essai pour greenmatch à tout moment :