Here you will find an aid to model a biomass project in greenmatch
- To create a biomass project click on the button “New Project” on the top right of the GM Valuation Project List
Tipp: Copy this Example-Project here if you have already an account or here for the registration link and try it yourself.
- Click on the dropdown-menu “Technology” and choose Biomass.
- The input mask and the calculation bases for greenmatch are the same for all technologies. The only difference is that in case of biomass facilities additional material in the “Production” area can be captured. You can specify only one type of material per facility such as input material in the form of wood chips or output material in the form of activated carbon.
If you like to add more than one type of material per facility you can create multiple facilities (e.g. the input material on the basis of a facility for electric energy and the output material based on a facility for thermal energy)
- In the “Sales” section you can assign a sales price (see point 5) to the material added under point 3 to generate sales or enter a “Purchase Price” in the “Opex” area (see point 6.).
- To sell material, go to the “Sales” section and click “Add”. For the input field “Value”, select the entry “Material” from the drop-down list and enter a price. Confirm your entry by clicking on “Create”.
- To map the purchasing costs of input material, go to the “Opex” section and click on “New Opex”. For the input field “Value”, select the entry “Material” from the drop-down list and enter a price. Confirm your entry by clicking on “Create”.