How to use MyData?

In this article, you will learn how to use the MyData tab to save templates in order to reuse a copy of them in other projects (currently available for « Indexations », « Price Templates » and « Base Rates »).

Save a template in MyData

Note: The example is based on a price template, which represents an electricity price forecast.

  1. To save a template into your personal MyData tab, click on the desired position.
  1. In the detail view of the template (here price template), you will see the function « Upload to MyData ». Click on the button.
  1. Then you have the possibility to add the document name, tags and a description. Finish by clicking « Save ».
  1. The template is now stored in the MyData library and is available at any time.

Import a template from MyData

Note: The example is based on a price template (electricity price forecast) which is added to the sale « market price ».

  1. If you would like to add a template from MyData to your project, you can do so directly under « Templates » in the module « Financial Planning ».
  1. Choose « Import from MyData ».
  1. Then a window opens, in which you can find all concerned templates from your « MyData » module. Click « Import to my Project », next to the desired template, to add it.
  1. Now you can see that the price template has been added to your project. It can now be applied to your ales objects as shown in the video.