Impressive success at WindEnergy Hamburg

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green[::]match looks back at an extremely intensive week at WindEnergy Hamburg. The booth in hall A1 was very well attended throughout the entire four days of the fair. The team had the chance to have intensive talks with hundreds of people from the field of project developers, investors, operators, banks and advisors. The three demo stations were at times not enough to handle the big rush of visitors at the booth. « We knew that we would have a big rush at our booth because the time for a web-based investment application is right. Still we have to apologize to some clients that we were not able to serve them », says Matthias Stettler, CEO & Founder of green[::]match regretfully, « naturally, our team is still available for your questions and online demo-sessions ». The great interest in the new products GM Marketplace and GM Portfolio as well as numerous cooperation requests are particularly valuable for green[::]match. The team thanks for the continuously positive feedback which confirms the path of development. green[::]match is looking forward to many new registrations which can be directly carried out on our website and to the upcoming « Windenergietage » from 8 – 10 Nov 2016 in Potsdam / Germany.

WindEnergy Hamburg took place from 27 to 30 September 2016. As the leading international fair of the wind industry it is the meeting point of all companies operating in the wind sector. More then 1.200 exhibitors presented their products and services in 9 Halls on some 65,000 square meters.


greenmatch AG

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greenmatch est le premier logiciel financier pour les énergies renouvelables. Cette application très flexible modélise le cycle de vie financier complet de vos projets éoliens, photovoltaïques, hydroélectriques et de biomasse et optimise votre flux de travail. Son approche collaborative et intégrative permet d’analyser et d’exécuter les projets et les portefeuilles de manière plus efficace, plus compréhensible et plus fiable. Nos solutions permettent aux développeurs de projets, aux investisseurs et aux banques de prendre des décisions fiables et d’augmenter le succès de leurs transactions. greenmatch est un modèle innovant qui remplace les applications traditionnelles de feuilles de calcul.